Sustainable Water Use


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N8 Water Group

Northern England's eight research-intensive universities have formed a powerful alliance, known as The N8, to help northern businesses become more competitive by using the research excellence of the universities to innovate faster and take a larger share of growth markets.

The Universities of Durham, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield and York have identified five areas of research excellence and key amongst them is our world class expertise in sustainable water use which will address research and business opportunities in this rapidly growing global market.

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Partners & partnership working

Our intention is to now extend the N8 Water Group. We seek to incorporate stakeholders, companies and organisations with an interest in helping us to develop a shared strategy for sustainable water and innovative technical solutions to meet current and future challenges. Delivering the strategy should provide benefits to society, the environment and economy of the North of England and provide businesses with a sound science and a recognised launchpad for international market development. It is also anticipated that the extension of the group will include other Universities both from Northern England, the UK and overseas.

Current supporting organisations